Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas with two years olds

This year Christmas was much more different than last years. Children at two are much more different than at one, especially when it comes to opening presents. It was very interesting watching my girls try to open presents. It was actually very adorable seeing how excited they got and looked forward to each present. Granted they still needed help opening their gifts but they got the concept down really quickly. What woman does when it comes to opening gifts ;)
One thing that was very adorable was how each gift was so exciting and new but that the paper and boxes where still more interesting. Don't get me wrong my girls still played with all of there toys and tried on all their new outfits but in the end the boxes and paper still one. It is still so funny to me how boxes still win, even if they are diaper boxes.
Another thing I was really proud of was when they ate Christmas dinner with the family. They sat at the table, no booster seats just like an adult and ate there dinner with pride. Eating like big girls with there forks and spoons with there own plates and eating all the same foods as adults. For me this was so very exciting and I know how much my girls loved it too. You could see they stood a little bit taller for the rest of the day, this of course made mommy and daddy's day :)
It altogether was a very wonderful Christmas and much more exciting than the year before. I know next year will be just as or more than exciting and I look forward to many more wonderful Christmas's with two beautiful twin daughters.

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