Monday, November 29, 2010

Vacationing with Twins

 Vacationing with twins has its ups and downs, especially when it comes to packing. Automatically you have to pack two of everything but a lot of the time two turns into three and then four. Every parent knows that with kids and traveling you can not have enough food, clothes, diapers, toys and can not forget the kitchen sink ;) With twins of course its oh so much more, thank goodness my husband bought us an suv last year. I never knew how handy they where until our first trip with one, it was heaven!!!! The room was and is soooo wonderful. I am very thankful he bought the family the suv!!!
 One thing I have learned is that you have to have a bit of humor when it comes to traveling with kids. One thing that is never fun is the pit stops to change diapers. I do not know about other parents but for this one it is like pulling teeth!!! My girls still think if they get their diaper changed somewhere else other than there room or a bed then it time for shots. I feel awful for this but not much I can do. I attempt and usually it ends up in a huge mess but at least they are fresh and I can relax, no diaper rashes Please and Thank You :)
 Eating is a whole other world in itself. Of course they do not want to eat anything you want them to eat, so french fries usually wins. I am lucky that one of my girls will at least eat fruit, thank goodness!!! I like french fries just like the next person but we all know how that can throw a two year old's energy and moods out the window,especially if soda is involved as well. I do not mean sprite or ginger ale to me these are okay and reasonable, I mean the dark colored sodas like coke and pepsi. So this is a no fly zone for these unless of emergencies only :)
 I know I could talk for days about this but this is just a couple things I needed to get off my chest. Thanks for reading and back to twinland I go.

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