Friday, February 25, 2011

Daily Progress

These past few weeks have been more involved with Autism than I ever thought possible. All of which is in a very positive and wonderful way.
 I attended my first Autism Society meeting February first and it was much more than what I was expecting. Everyone accepted me with open arms and was extremely gracious. I had lots of questions answered and even better more help/support was offered for my girls.It was very nice to mean other parents who have children with Autism better yet it was more wonderful to meet there children. One thing that was extremely positive for me was seeing seven year old twins boys with Autism  and they seemed so "normal". I was not expecting that, it gave me a sense of peace knowing my girls would be "normal" as well. I know that sounds sill but you really have no idea what its like to see "normal" children unless you do not have them. In no way whats so ever do I think that I don not have the most wonderful  normal girls, I mean normal comparatively. A lot of people were surprised that I had twin girls with Autism. This mainly because it is more affected with males than girls. I think its a blessing that I have my girls and that's the way God wanted it and that is the way it shall be and I mean that in the most positive and wonderful way possible!!
 My girls are doing extremely well. They are continuing their therapy twice a week, speech and occupational. We also talked to the county schools this past week about the girls starting preschool this coming up May. I am a little leary about how many days to do but I am guessing I will figure that all out when the times comes. I know five days a week will be what is best for them, especially structurally, but we might start off with three to be safe. Last thing I want to do is overwhelm my girls but must keep structure in mind. Most children with Autism need structure. Plus this past week we where contacted by TEACCH. TEACCH is a program out of Chapel Hill, NC pertaining to children with Autism and will work with children and their families. The girls have there initial intake appointment this March, which we are very excited about. So thus far you can say everything is progressing very well.
  I continued to read more and more books and that eventually drove me crazy. There are a lot of books on Autism, which is so wonderful but also very overwhelming. So I decided to take a break from Autism books for a while and get into books that will take my mind off of everything. My time to escape is very important not only to me but my family. Autism is a part of out lives but it does not need to be in my face constantly.
 I am still so new to this so I am learning more and more each day. My goal is to keep all of out friends and family as updated as possible. Also please if you have any questions or concerns feel free to ask or tell me. I want everyone who want to know to please ask and I will  be as honest with you as possible. I would not be putting this out there for the world if I was not going to be honest with myself and others.
 I would like to say thank you you to all of my friends and family that have been so very supportive for me and my beautiful family. I am so very lucky to have you all and you have no idea how wonderful, beautiful and special you are to us all.

Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.
~George Bernard Shaw

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