Friday, January 11, 2013

My beauties

 I am so terrible at this blogging thing its hilarious!! I have not written in six months. Sometimes i think its that I am afraid what to say or I have nothing to say at all. But one of my goals this year is to not worry about what people think/say and focus on what makes me happy. Hopefully it will work, hehe. I am a bit spectacle, as you can tell.
  So anyways this blog was started so that I can talk about my two daughters who have autism. I think they are the best most wonderful girls in the world. They have come so far these past two years since starting preschool. There speech is AMAzing!!!! You could barely understand them & they were not making complete sentences. I know that some of this is the difference between three and almost five but it is still ohhh sooo AMAzing!!! :) Like today they came home and told me all about there day at school and how therapy was with Ms. Lisa, a full paragraph completely awesome. Its the little things, slowly but surely they all add up and its an explosion of excitement. Any parent can definitely relate to this!
 We have out IEP meeting next month and I am scared to death of it, especially since its for Kindergarten. AHHHH.... yes my girls are getting that big and NOOOOO I am not ready for it. But this is reality and my girls are getting older, I am just happy they are doing better then I thought. A while back I thought that Cheyenne was digressing, well I was wrong. I think it was lack of focus over the summer break and now that she is in school she is doing beautifully. Just means I have to be more prepared for this summer. Maybe a mini summer school or home schooling both girls will help, well my goal at least. I know its only January but I think its always good to try to be prepared, especially with twins. Never know whats going to happen.
 The other day Sydney came home with a paper she had colored on and her name was written on the back, it was in color and she wrote her name herself. It was sloppy as it should be but ohh my was it beautiful. Cheyenne tried to do the same hers is almost there, she will have any day now! Like any parent I could go on for hours about my child's accomplishments but there are some to name a few. I am tired and going to take a break but whoever reads this, thank you for listening.  Hopefully be back sooner than six months. :)

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