Friday, October 22, 2010

1st Blogg

This is my first blog ever. It was my brothers idea so that i can get some thoughts on "pen & paper."

  I am a stay at home mom of identical twin girls. I know I am very lucky to be able to stay home with my kids  but sometimes i think i am going crazy!!!! I have been home for over two years now and it has been a great two years. There has been times I want to pull my hair out but what parent does not feel that way at times.
 I have the perfect husband and i know you are all thinking "yeah right" but I do!!!! He is the best man in the world!!! He is my knight my savor and i know how fortunate I am to have him. He is the best!!!
  Only thing is that i still feel like something is missing..... and then one day I woke up and realized i knew what it was I am lonely. I talk to two two year olds all day, my husband threw out the day when I can and I will talk to anyone that will listen. I am becoming that lady in Wal-Mart who talks to everyone!!!!
  I am hoping this blog will save what little brain activity as an adult i have left. This is my place to talk even if no one is listening. This is my Twintastic Madness :)

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