Sunday, October 24, 2010

Funday Sunday

I love Sundays!! Sundays in this house are the best day of the week. The parents are able to sleep in, because for some reason the girls do too :) I make cinnamon rolls almost every Sunday but most definatly a great breakfast will be supplied. We lounge around watching tv and/or movies, play outside with the girls, visit with family and sometimes lucky enough to just do nothing ;). It's the one day I really let the girls do whatever they want, well for two two year olds. For anyone who has children understands how big a deal this is, especially for them. Through it all though it's all together a fantastic wonderful day.
 For me that is fun and all but most importantly it's the fact that we do this all as a family. My family is the upmost importance to me and I feel I will do whatever it takes to keep us as a whole. I know at times this is very difficult but if I keep my eye on the prize it will always be worth it. I am sure and I know I am not the only mother and/or parent who feels as I do.
 I was very fortunate growing up to have a very loving, caring, close knit family. I hope and I will try to give this to my girls.I have so many wonderful memories of my family every Sunday and all the fun activities we did. That is why for me Sundays are so important, at least in this family. To most it's just another day in the week but me and my family it's always a Funday Sunday.

Friday, October 22, 2010

1st Blogg

This is my first blog ever. It was my brothers idea so that i can get some thoughts on "pen & paper."

  I am a stay at home mom of identical twin girls. I know I am very lucky to be able to stay home with my kids  but sometimes i think i am going crazy!!!! I have been home for over two years now and it has been a great two years. There has been times I want to pull my hair out but what parent does not feel that way at times.
 I have the perfect husband and i know you are all thinking "yeah right" but I do!!!! He is the best man in the world!!! He is my knight my savor and i know how fortunate I am to have him. He is the best!!!
  Only thing is that i still feel like something is missing..... and then one day I woke up and realized i knew what it was I am lonely. I talk to two two year olds all day, my husband threw out the day when I can and I will talk to anyone that will listen. I am becoming that lady in Wal-Mart who talks to everyone!!!!
  I am hoping this blog will save what little brain activity as an adult i have left. This is my place to talk even if no one is listening. This is my Twintastic Madness :)