Tuesday, April 5, 2011

So Very Thankful

 These past few months have been the hardest months of my life. Learning your child has autism is no easy task but learning and growing from it well that is a whole new thing. I am going to admit it has put me in a funk, one which i though never i could get out of but because of so many wonderful supporters in our lives i feel the funk has finally been erased.
  In the beginning it was like someone took a piece of me and replaced it with doubt, remorse, pain, jealousy, you name it i felt it. It was so strong in me that I forgot that this was not about me but about my children. Yes this does affect me but this is there lives no mine and I need to be thankful that it was not something so much worse that what it really was. Do not get wrong there were days where i felt the therapy is not working why are we even bothering with this but then there was a breakthrough. There skills are starting to increase daily and I can tell these are not my same children as they where three, six, and nine months ago. Oh My Goodness could these really be the same girls who could barely speak let alone hold a spoon nine months ago. Yes, these are my girls and they are doing it. They are using mannerisms I though never would be possible to use let alone happen.  There is breakthroughs and its happening daily i just had my blinders on and was not paying attention. I was so stuck in my own world I forgot about my two daughters, now I am paying attention!! When Sydney grabs my hand and says "Mommy I want fruit snacks" I almost cry because i see the progress and know how wonderful it is for her to speak to me.It is amazing how we take the little things for granted but I am trying daily to remind myself how truly lucky we are.
 So from now on anytime I get down or begin a funk I know I can look back and remind myself how lucky we are they are progressing at the rate that they are. Its a beautiful thing seeing you child make progress.
 I am beyond thankful for my many friends, family, therapists, and Doctors who have helped me threw this not only for me but have enriched my daughters lives. If it was not for you i do not think my girls would have accomplished as much as they have. You are all so very encouraging to everything they do and continue to accomplish and I am beyond thankful to have you in our lives.